Frequently Asked Questions (Natural Swimming Pool/Ponds):
What is a Natural Swimming Pool/Pond or "NSP"?
A Natural Swimming Pool/Pond, aka NSP, swimming pond, swimming hole, natural pool, or eco pool, is a manmade body of water that features natural, fresh water which is cleaned using a built-in biological filtration system.... MORE
How do we Clean Water Without Chemicals?
We clean the water in our NSP's much like an industrial aquarium, using a massive biological filter which is a part of the Natural Swimming Pool/Pond itself and nearly constant water circulation.... MORE
What do We Clean From the Water?
In every one of our Natural Swimming Pool/Ponds we build in a powerful, massive biological filtration system that provides acres of living space for beneficial bacteria to live.... MORE
What is Maintenance Like for a Natural Swimming Pool/Pond?
Unlike a traditional pool that relies on regular doses of chlorine -- which can cost hundreds of dollars each year and involves frequent water tests and regular vacuuming-- in a Total Habitat Natural Swimming Pool/Pond the built-in biological filtration system is there to do the heavy lifting... MORE
Do our Biological Filters Ever Clog or Need to Be Cleaned Out?
Nope! The built-in biological filtration system in our Natural Swimming Pool/Ponds filters microscopic organisms in the water, not chunks of debris... MORE
Do our Natural Swimming Pool/Ponds work in Really Warm Climates?
Yes! Our Natural Swimming Pool/Pond (NSP) system was specifically engineered to handle a wide range of climates from humid, even tropical, to the dry hot desert. Our system works in warmer climates because we size our biological filters and circulation plumbing systems based on site-specific variables like.... MORE
Do Our Natural Swimming Pool/Ponds Work in Really Cold Climates?
Yes! Unlike a traditional concrete pool, you don't need to cover, drain, and refill a Natural Swimming Pool/Pond each year. In fact, you can even let it freeze over and enjoy ice skating during the colder months.... MORE
How Much Does a Natural Swimming Pool/Pond Cost to Build?
The cost to build a Natural Swimming Pool/Pond depends on the design of the NSP itself (there are many different styles and construction methods) as well as the intended site (local material costs and availability vary greatly from region to region). Because of these factors, natural pools range widely in price, anywhere from $15 - $300 per square foot (with most falling in the $20 - $80 per square foot range).... MORE
Can You Heat a Natural Swimming Pool/Pond?
Yes, you can heat a NSP using just about any conventional swimming pool heater or solar heating system to extend your swimming time each year.... MORE
Can You Keep Fish in a Natural Swimming Pool/Pond?
Yes, our NSP filtration system is engineered to handle a full range of potential contaminates including fish food and waste.... MORE
Do I Need a Separate Filter Pool or "Regeneration Zone"?
No. This is a common misconception about Natural Swimming Pools.... MORE
Are Mosquitoes a Problem in a Natural Swimming Pool/Pond?
Natural predators and moving water make a Natural Swimming Pool/Pond practically mosquito free.... MORE
Will Snakes Get in a Natural Swimming Pool/Pond?
We don't have a lot of problems with snakes in our Natural Swimming Pool/Ponds, though there is no poison in the water that will harm them... MORE
Do Natural Swimming Pool/Ponds Use Salt to Clean the Water?
No. There is no salt or any other type of chlorine in a Natural Swimming Pool/Pond.... MORE
Can You Convert a Traditional Pool Into a Natural Swimming Pool/Pond?
Yes, there are a number of ways to convert a traditional pool into a Natural Swimming Pool/Pond.... MORE
Can You Convert a Farm Pond into a Natural Swimming Pool/Pond?
Yes, you can convert an existing pond into a Natural Swimming Pool/Pond.... MORE
How Big (or Small) Can a Natural Swimming Pool/Pond be?
A Natural Swimming Pool/Pond can be just about any shape or size..... MORE
Where Should You Put a Natural Swimming Pool/Pond in Your Yard?
A good rule of thumb is the closer to the house the better; that way, the water feature becomes an extension of the house and a focal point in the yard.... MORE
What's the average Energy Cost to Run a Natural Swimming Pool/Pond?
Like a traditional pool, a Natural Swimming Pool needs a water pump in order to move water through the filter system and back out into the swimming area.... MORE
Seeing is Believing: Watch videos of our Natural Swimming Pool/Ponds on our Blog or Youtube Channel
Natural Swimming Pools & Ponds: THE TOTAL GUIDE, 3rd Edition:Our newly updated eBook has all you need to create your own Natural Swimming Pool or Pond! Our new edition is packed with detailed information, formulas, and over 80 illustrations, photographs, and Step-by-Step examples. Learn the concepts and design your own Natural Swimming Pool or Pond confidently!